Lawn Care Management

Lawn Care You Can Count On

Bugs City Pest Management's Mission Statement

Bugs City Pest Management has one goal: to protect our customers' properties against pests and unwanted rodents. We want to make sure you're pest-free, no matter what the problem is. We can provide prompt and thorough service for any type of unwanted creatures in your home or business from small bugs like ants all the way up to pesky rodents!

Don't worry - if it seems too large a project at first glance then just let our experts take care of everything while keeping things as stress free on YOUR end so YOU can be pest-free.

Your Solution For

Fertilization, Weed Control, & More!


Fertilizer strengthens your grass roots so they can absorb more water than unhealthy ones. This firms up the soil and lessen chances of puddles forming in areas where there was once mud, or bare patches from lack thereof

Weed Control

Weed control is the prevention or control of unwanted plants. By effectively controlling them, there's less competition for water and nutrients which can lead to healthier vegetation overall in your lawn or garden!

Insect Control

Get protection from the common lawn pests with our insect control! We will help keep those pesky insects at bay and prevent infestation in your yard.

Fungus Control

Prevent fungus from entering your lawn! The primary purpose of contact fungicides is to form a barrier to protect your lawn, it typically should be applied before the disease begins. 

How Will Bugs City Pest Management Keep Your Lawn Lush

and Healthy

Lawn care is a vital component of healthy Landscapes. Fertilizing is a key component in maintaining a lush and healthy lawn. In addition, we also recommend controlling insects to ensure they don't enter your property or damage your lawn. Over watering can lead to fungus growths and weeds can easily gain control of your turf. Bugs City Pest Management will work with you to recommend the best lawn care treatment to get the healthiest results for your landscape.

How It Works

What to expect with regular service and our guarantee


Assessment Based Lawn Care

Our lawn specialists will inspect your lawn to determine exactly what deficiencies or problems it might be experiencing. While checking to see which are the troubled areas and how to correct the issue.


Treatment Strategy

We will lay out a comprehensive treatment strategy whether it be fertilizers, weed control, insect control, fungus control, or a mix of all to ensure your lawn looks its best!


Routine & Reliable Service

Our routine service will help keep your lawn and ornamentals looking their best year-round.


Real Solutions

South Florida's constant sun can be harsh on plants and lawns, we will work with you to make sure you're properly caring for your lawn.

Why Choose Bugs City Pest Management?

There's a reason pest control is so important. If you don't protect your home from pesky bugs, then all the other things in life will be less enjoyable for everyone!


With +30 years of experience, you can count on Bugs City Pest Management's knowledge to treat and eradicate your pest problems.


We have the most comprehensive pest control services in town. Our team is made up of experienced technicians who will make sure your home or office stays clean and safe from pesky pests for years to come!


We offer free estimates to make sure that no matter what type of problem arises at an address our team can get rid of it once and for all with ease.


When it comes to your home and family, you want the best for them. That's why we offer same day pest control services that can take care of any pesky critters before they cause too much trouble!


We understand how much work it takes to maintain a home or business, which why our team will treat every detail with care while ensuring results that last.


We specialize in the removal and prevention of pests - we'll take care of your home or business. Fully trained, licensed professionals ready with all necessary tools for a safe job that's affordable!

How can you maintain a healthy lawn in South Florida?

One of the best parts about living in Florida is that we get to have beautiful and well-manicured lawns pretty much year-round. The downside, however, are some months where it can be harsh on both ourselves as well our grasses' health-especially if they're not cared for properly!

There need to be special steps taken just like with any other plant: watering them at regular intervals throughout rainy days or taking care not to overdo things by walking too close while wearing high heels could cause soil erosion among many other issues which would eventually result

Helpful DIY Tips for a Healthy Lawn:

  • Avoid over watering.
  • Mow grass at the right height to encourage deeper, more drought and pest resistant root system.
  • Leave grass clippings on the lawn to recycle nutrients back into the soil.
  • Use fallen tree leaves and pine needles on-site as mulch.
  • Avoid shearing shrubs, topping trees, and over-pruning palms.
  • Manually operate your irrigation system on an as-needed basis. Calibrate irrigation system to apply 1/2-3/4 inch of water per application.
  • Properly schedule irrigation run times. 
  • Use a rain gauge to measure rainfall and irrigate only during prolonged dry periods.
  • Irrigate in the early morning hours when temperature and wind are low.
  • Repair broken and leaking sprinklers.

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