Rodent Control

Deal with a Rodent Menace the Right Way

Bugs City Pest Management's Mission Statement

Bugs City Pest Management has one goal: to protect our customers' properties against pests and unwanted rodents. We want to make sure you're pest-free, no matter what the problem is. We can provide prompt and thorough service for any type of unwanted creatures in your home or business from small bugs like ants all the way up to pesky rodents!

Don't worry - if it seems too large a project at first glance then just let our experts take care of everything while keeping things as stress free on YOUR end so YOU can be pest-free.

How Will Bugs City Pest Management Handle My Rodent Problem?

Rodents are the most destructive animals in terms of property damage, and they can also carry disease. If you want peace-of mind knowing your food is safe from these pests then contact us today!

Bugs City Pest Management employs technicians who understand rodent behavior and can help you get to the root of the problem. They will assist in identifying the source of infestation and help identify and close off entryways that led to these issues. This will involve using carefully placed poisons that your technician will guide you to steer clear of. It’s equally important to have carefully performed cleanup to rid your home of the dead rodents once the job is done.

What Are Some Signs That I May Have a Rodent Problem?
One of the quickest ways to identify a rodent infestation is by discovering rodent droppings. They’re usually small, dark droppings that can be located anywhere around the home.

You also may be able to identify tracks, especially in dusty areas, from the rodents moving about in your house. Always be sure to clean these areas with gloves and sanitizing fluids as it is another way that disease can spread.  

You also may be able to identify holes or chew marks in your baseboard, walls, or other areas with thin materials. Rodents will make their way through the walls and floors to get in and out of the home. Identifying a rodent problem could also be as simple as hearing the sounds of mice skittering behind the walls or in the ceiling. If you begin to notice any of these signs and suspect that you have a problem, call Bugs City Pest Management to handle the situation the proper way.

How It Works

What to expect with rodent control service and our guarantee


Assessment Based Rodent Control

Our pest control specialists will inspect the interior and exterior of your property to determine exactly how pests have entered, where they are breeding in addition to washing down any places that may be infested.


Treatment Strategy

We will help you get rid of your infestation quickly and safely. Our technicians are expertly trained to work with any type or size premise, so don't let them leave until the job's done right!


Routine & Reliable Service

We'll work with you to ensure rodents don't return. We will recommend the best service frequency to maintain a pest-free property.


Real Solutions

Should you have a problem in between scheduled appointments, simply let us know and our pest control specialists will come out to your business to treat at no additional charge to you!

Why Choose Bugs City Pest Management?

There's a reason pest control is so important. If you don't protect your home from pesky bugs, then all the other things in life will be less enjoyable for everyone!


With +30 years of experience, you can count on Bugs City Pest Management's knowledge to treat and eradicate your pest problems.


We have the most comprehensive pest control services in town. Our team is made up of experienced technicians who will make sure your home or office stays clean and safe from pesky pests for years to come!


We offer free estimates to make sure that no matter what type of problem arises at an address our team can get rid of it once and for all with ease.


When it comes to your home and family, you want the best for them. That's why we offer same day pest control services that can take care of any pesky critters before they cause too much trouble!


We understand how much work it takes to maintain a home or business, which why our team will treat every detail with care while ensuring results that last.


We specialize in the removal and prevention of pests - we'll take care of your home or business. Fully trained, licensed professionals ready with all necessary tools for a safe job that's affordable!

The rodent control experts you can trust.

If within 60 days of your indoor treatment your pest problem persist, we will continue to provide and put every effort in our service to eliminate the present pest infestation at no additional charge. We won't stop until you are completely satisfied or we will refund your last regular service payment.

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